Cancer: Using Food for Cancer Prevention
New studies keep investigating the effects of various “anti-cancer” foods and their active compounds. There is no magic pill yet that can combine all those ingredients and allow you to keep eating fatty burgers and rich desserts while avoiding long-term ill effects, such as chronic diseases or cancer. It does greatly depend on the food choices we make day in day out. Having the right overall anti-cancer diet plan can have a large payof
f as you get older.According to a the report, “Policy and Action for Cancer Prevention“, published by the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) and American Institute for Cancer Research(AICR) about a third of all cancers in the US can be prevented through healthy lifestyle choices.For some cancers, the possible prevention is much higher: 70% of cancers of the endometrium, 45% of colon cancers and 38% of breast cancers are estimated to be preventable through exercise, good nutrition and weight management. In addition to eating the right foods, it is also important to know what not to eat.
Below is a list of the top foods to include in your daily diet and followed by a list of foods that are best avoided.
What to eat on your anti-cancer diet program
- Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables (Cauliflower, Cabbage): contain sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinols that inhibit tumor growth
- Garlic: this ancient remedy for infections contains sulfur compounds that have been credited with inhibiting cancer. Garlic preparation can have a huge impact on its effectiveness. A research study found that crushed or chopped garlic should stand for 10 min before heating.
It would be a shame to eat all the good anti-cancer foods mentioned above and then ruin the effects by eating a large bucket of fried chicken wings followed by a sugar- and fat-laden chocolate shake or cake. There is no clear study that can give a simple list of foods to avoid but the following rules seem to be generally accepted not only to avoid cancer but some of the other chronic diseases that are so common.
- Avoid any charred or browned foods that contain large amounts of Advanced Glycation End Products (AGE). AGEs are formed when sugar molecules react with fats and proteins when heated. This can be avoided by cooking with water rather than grilling or baking. AGEs have been implicated in accelerated aging and chronic diseases like diabetes, Alzheimer and cancer (acrylamide is a side product).
- Added Sugar (white, brown, honey, syrup, etc.)
- Excessive protein intake. The rule should be 0.8 g per kg of body weight (see also This translates to 47 grams of protein for a 130 lbs person or 55 grams for a 150 lbs person)
- Non-organic foods that are likely to be contaminated with pesticides (thin-peel fruits and vegetables: tomatoes, apples, peppers)
Probably one of the best things you can do for your overall health is to keep your weight as low as possible without becoming overweight. Calorie-restriction is still a very new concept but has shown impressive life-extension results in laboratory tests.
Regular exercise will help with weight management and should be part of any healthy lifestyle program. Last but not least, take care of your emotional health by spending time with your family and friends. If you would like help with your anti-cancer diet and nutrition strategy, please consider talking to a Nutrition Coach.
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